Temporary Exhibitions

Our association has been running and organizing torture traveling exhibits for 30 years. Thanks to the collaboration and dedication of many researchers and collectors, in Italy and in Europe, we collected the richest documentation of the genre. The on-going acquisition of objects has allowed us through the years to diversify our patrimony, our contents and cultural goals according to different realities and demands of the various countries. At present the collection, counting more the a thousand pieces, has been divided in six permanent museums and three world-wide traveling exhibitions. Many cities have welcomed us with great interest, the exhibit that originated in Florence (Italy) in 1983 has already become internationally renowned as “exceptional testimony against state and power criminality perpetuated everywhere since time immemorial”. During its journey, the exhibit has always received a great public success and a positive  consent from critics, from the press and medias (both national and local).

It’s important to highlight that this initiative is part of a wider project that consists of collateral and  multimedia activities such as meetings, debates and cultural festivals, in collaboration with international associations like Amnesty International, the Human Rights Mexican Academy, the United Nations and with the support of Public Authorities and National Institutions, in order to sensitive the public opinion about human rights. The proceeds will be channeled into financing the above mentioned activities and into the opening of new permanent exhibitions against torture.

If you are interested in hosting a traveling exhibit, please contact us at: info@torturemuseum.it